sexta-feira, setembro 09, 2005

Program design-theory (2005 – 2006)

Methodical Approach Visual Communication, focused on the (actual) history of Dutch Design.


Robin Kinross - More Light (In alphabetical order; Werkplaats Typografie Arnhem)
id. - Modern Typography – introduction (Hyphen Press)
id. - The rhetoric of neutrality (in: Victor Margolin (ed.) - Design
H. Boekraad - Norm and Form
id. - Copy Proof, graphic design as visual rhetoric (Post St.Joost,
Breda 2002)
E. Lentjes - Communicative design (in: BNO yearbook 2000)
id. - Forum, reading between the lines; 50 yrs graphic design related
to the Dutch arch. magazine Forum (in: dot-dot-dot#7)
P. Andersson - Beyond Magazines (in: Inside Magazines; BIS Publishers)
A. Mevis - On Magazines (in: OHNO another magazine; JvEijck-publication)
M. Bruinsma - An ideal design is not yet (in: The world had to change;
Sandberg Institute, 1998)
J. Williamson - The grid (in: V. Margolin - Design discourse)
W. Bierma - in the surf (in: dot-dot-dot#3)
M. Rock - Mad Dutch desease (Premsela lecture 2004;


Ewan Lentjes
Design Theory
St.Joost, Breda